A must-have guide for anyone who is
brushing up on the math skills included on the GMAT® exam. Practice with 300
questions and answer explanations from the makers of the exam, use the online
study companion to build customized question sets. Review sections on
arithmetic, algebra, geometry, problem solving, and data sufficiency, and
optimize your study time by answering questions in order of difficulty. Also
included are invaluable test-taking strategies to help you prepare for your
best GMAT score.
The Official Guide for GMAT
Quantitative Review, 2015 includes:
- 300 actual questions from past GMAT tests, and answer explanations, plus access to a new online study companion that offers the ability to create your own practice sets!
- New exclusive online videos with study tips and test taking strategies.
- Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency questions that review arithmetic, algebra, and word problems.
- Questions organized in order of difficulty to save study time.
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