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Friday 24 October 2014

Free PowerPoint Template part 3

Moving Lights – PowerPoint Template 

With the impressive background animations all the attention of your audience is guaranteed for your next presentation! Three color schemes, 12 pre-designed slides und 6 master layouts will help you creating your presentation quickly. Perfect for personal, business and corporate use. Easy to change colors, text and photos.

Custom Design

Of course MOVING LIGHTS is also full editable. To each graphic there is an accordant Photoshop file enclosed. The animated background loops can be changed into any favored color as well as the over 30 Bonus Icons. If no animations are designated, they can be easily replaced by the included static pictures. An Instruction PDF and a short video tutorial will help you to create your own personalized MOVING LIGHTS Presentation.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Business PowerPoint Template part 2

Business PowerPoint Template part-2

Premium PowerPoint Templates were created to offer professional PPT and PPTX files for business owners and marketing, social media, creative specialists who want to stand out and impress. Premium Business PowerPoint Templates have the corporate feel, have animations, FLAT style and look very modern compared to other similar solutions.Designers did an amazing job and made Premium PowerPoint Presentation Templates very attractive and stylish, following best practices around.

Monday 20 October 2014

Degree of Comparison

1.   Rahim is as good as Shafin.
2.   Rahim is better than shafin.
3.   Rahim is the best boy in the class.

Dc‡ii wZbwU ev‡K¨ Rahim  ‡K GKB Adjective Øviv wewfbœ gvÎvq we‡kwlZ K‡i Ac‡ii mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| Zzjbvi GB wewfbœ gvÎv, ¯Íi, avc ev ch©vq‡KB Degree of Comparison e‡j|

Degree of Comparison wZb ai‡bi nq|
1.     Positive Degree
2.     Comparative Degree
3.     Superlative Degree.

Degree wPbvi Dcvq:

1.      Positive Degree  Gi Adjective- Gi Av‡M I c‡i as _v‡K| ‡hgb: .......... as < adj> as................ < adj>  as....................
2.     Comparative Degree ‡Z Adjective-Gi c‡i me©`v than _v‡K|

Sunday 19 October 2014

Rule of completing Sentence

Rule of completing Sentence

So That/in order that (hv‡Z/ hvi d‡j)

Structure: (Subject) + verb + ………+ so that/in order that + subject + can/may A_ev could/might + verb Gi vase form (present form).

Note: c~e©eZx© Clause wU present/future tense n‡j cieZx© clause G can/may e¨eüZ n‡e Ges c~e©eZx© clause wU past tense n‡j cieZx© could/might e¨eüZ n‡e|

We eat so that we may live.
Read attentively so that you may pass.
He went to bazaar in order that he might buy some vegetables.
The students came to the college library so that they could/might borrow books.
I closed the door in order that thieves could/might not enter the room.
I closed the door in order hat no thief could/ might enter the room.
I helped him in order hat the work might be done in time.

Lest (cv‡Q/hv‡Z bv)

Structure: (Subject) + verb + …lest + subject + should/might + verb Gi base form.

Note: Lest Gi Wv‡b KL‡bv bv †evaK (negative) kã e‡m bv|

Work hard lest you should/might fail.
The little girl is walking very carefully les she should/might fall.
The thief ran away lest he should/might be caught.
So…..that (GZB ......... †h)

Structure1: (subject) + verb +so + adjective/adverb…+ that + subject + can/could +(not)+verb Gi base form…….....

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Free Download SAT Math Bible

SAT Math Bible

by , ,

Product Code: 26557733

SAT Math Bible is the definitive study guide for the Math section of the SAT. From the fundamentals of operations to the complexities of functions in the coordinate plane, The SAT Math Bible analyzes every question type tested and provides the most efficient methods for attacking those questions. The Math portion of the SAT is unlike other math tests, as it assesses not only your ability to perform mathematical operations, but also your aptitude for reasoning and recognizing unconventional solution methods. Written by an SAT expert,

Free Download Secrets of Mental Math

Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks  

by , Michael Shermer

Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015 Bundle (Official Guide + Verbal Guide + Quantitative Guide)

If you are purchasing only one book to prepare for the GMAT® exam, this is it. There is no better all-in-one source, including more than 900 questions from past GMAT exams, a diagnostic section to help you assess where to focus your efforts, and invaluable test-taking tips and strategies to help you get the score you want. Now featuring a new online section and exclusive videos!

In addition to more than 1500 questions between the three guides, the GMAT Official Guide Bundle features:

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